Dune Buggy Master Cylinder Kits
Chirco stocks all major brands of VW clutch master cylinder rebuild kits. Instead of purchasing a brand new VW dune buggy clutch master cylinder, often times a rebuild kit will fix the issue. We offer rebuild kits for the large brands such as CNC, Jamar, EMPI and Latest Rage. The VW sandrail master cylinder rebuild kits come in various types and sizes. Chirco stocks rebuild kits for a rectangular 3/4 bore, a round 3/4 bore master cylinder, a 5/8 round master cylinder, a 5/8 rectangular master cylinder, a 7/8 bore round master cylinder, a 7/8 bore rectangular master cylinder. There are also master cylinder rebuild kits for the girling style and for disc and drum brakes. It is important to know exactly what master cylinder you have that you are looking to rebuild. If you have any further questions, please contact our VW technical support at 1-800-955-9795.
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